Teknoloji - Technology ( Orta )

11/29/2010 09:27:30

who have created Steven P. Jobs, Apple's Mr. Jobs said the company had learned a lot about software, gaming and Some developers have questioned how the new store will work and whether the kind of applications submitted will be content-based like games and media apps, or if they will John Gruber, the author of Daring Fireball, an Apple The Mac App Store is not expected to open to the public for ano

07/26/2010 00:00:00

Students must be taught that there is no difference between a lemon and a Or It is all about This may sound According to the director of the Harvard Business School Life Science Project, Dr Juan Enriquez: He believes technology and the "Society must be science and "And the language of computers is how we communicate this knowledge. "Businesses are "Ninety-one Literacy in this new language should s

06/17/2010 00:00:00

June 15, 2010  Forget those Like previous DS devices, the 3DS will The 3DS also will feature three cameras total — one inward-facing camera plus two exterior cameras that will allow users to take 3-D pictures of their own. "We know that Additionally, the device will have both a gyro sensor and a Iwata announced that many third-party developers and publishers are already working on games for the 3

03/05/2010 12:22:55

Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent, and agencies guardian.co.uk, Thursday 4 March 2010 10.18 GMT workers in Haiti are using Google Earth to track the needs of earthquake teams The information is aid Alex Wynter, a Red Cross spokesman in Haiti. Mapping experts started the project shortly after the magnitude 7.0 quake devastated Port-au-Prince and killed, according to the government, more tha

02/09/2010 15:53:24

Social  When Facebook changed the newsfeed on its homepage last October, the new Now, the protest is starting again. On Friday, the social network began to roll out new changes to the homepage of some 80m users, while the rest of the 320m users will follow in the next few days, according to the website Inside Facebook. Immediately after the site, which recently turned six, started to introduce th