Sıcak havanın tehlikeleri - Hot weather risks

08/16/2010 11:42:54

While most enjoy the summer sun, high temperatures can pose a significant risk to health.

Sıcak havanın tehlikeleri

What are the risks?

Under normalcircumstancesthe sweat we produce when we get hotkeepsuscoolwhen itevaporatesfrom thesurfaceof our skin.

However, onextremelyhot days, or when weover-exertourselves, this system canfail, and body temperature can start to climb to dangerous levels.

This leads toheat strokeorexhaustion. This can cause headaches,dizzinessand musclecramp, but it can also belife-threatening.

It isparticularlydangerous because symptoms can come on very rapidly, and -unlessyou are watching for the signs - with very little warning.

What is the best way to avoidproblems?

Drink lots of liquids:

As you will be losing morefluidthan normal, it is important totop upyoursupplies.

The best way to keep yourself hydrated is to drink water, and tosipit, rather thangulpit down.

On an average day, a person weighing 58kg (128lb) should drink eight average-sized glasses of water.

In very hot weather,consumptionshould be increased. However, drinkingexcessiveamounts can bring problems of its own.

You might think a cold beer isexactlywhat the doctor ordered, but in fact, alcohol dehydrates the body, and consumption should be kept to a minimum.

If you can't face drinking lots of water, non-carbonated soft drinks, such as fruit juice, are areasonablealternative.

Modify your diet:

Avoid hot, heavy food.

Eat cold foods, particularly salads and fruit with a high water content.

Salt pills are available toreplaceminerals lost in the sweat. However, most diets contain more than enough salt, and so this isunlikelyto benecessary.

Stay out of the sun:

The sun is at its most dangerous between 11am and 3pm.

Be sensibleabout exercise:

Do not exercisevigorouslyduring the hottest times of the day.Instead, run, jog or exercise closer to sunrise or sunset.

Take things slowly and adapt to the pace of life in the sun. If you feel breathless or your heart ispound, stop what you are doing and try to cool your body down, for example, by taking a cool shower.Restif you feel faint or dizzy.

Keep cool:

Wear light, loose-fitting clothing, such as cotton, so sweat can evaporate.

Dark, heavy clothesabsorbheat, but remember that somethinmaterials do notprovidea barriersufficientto the sun's dangerous UV rays.

Wear sunglasses toprotectyour eyes.

Take a cool shower, bath or body wash.

Sprinklewater over the skin or clothing, or keep adampcloth on the back of your neck.

Ventilateyour home:

if theexternaltemperature is close to or less thaninternaltemperatures, all windows, and internal doors should be fully opened.

This helps the natural ventilation to remove heat and increases internal air movement.

Use a fan or air conditioning if you have it.

But, turn off nonessential lights and electrical equipment as theygenerateheat.

Take specialcareof the vulnerable:

Those most at risk from the sunincludechildren under four, people over 65 whose bodiesadaptmore slowly to the change in temperature,overweightpeople whose bodies tend toretainheat more and people who are ill.

Babies are particularly vulnerable to heat as their sweatglandsare not well-developed.

It is important not towrapthem up in blankets or heavy clothing when it is hot - but it isequallyimportant to ensure that they are notexposedto direct sunlight.


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