Eklenti soruları - Alıştırma 1 - Tag questions - Exercise 1

10/11/2010 15:04:39

Eklenti soruları bizim kendi yorumumuzu söyleyip onay için kullandığımız sorulardır. Türkçe'de "değil mi?", "tamam mı?" ifadeleriyle yaparız.

1. She is beautiful,
2. It's not impossible,
3. Some Tv programs aren't very bad,
4. Elvis Presley is a rock king,
5. You don't like him,
6. She doesn't play basketball,
7. Melike sings very beuatifully,
8. You work with Oğuz,
9. You will attend university next year,
10. You are a dentist,
11. We are friends,
12. Some people don't like talking,
13. You must be honest,
14. You didn't watch my match,
15. Your teacher published her second book two weeks ago,
16. You have tried to call him,
17. You wouldn't lie,
18. Let's go out,
19. There is free lunch,
20. She has a lovely smile,

1 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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