Eğer - Alıştırma 1 - If contiditonal 1. type - Exercize 1

10/13/2010 16:56:23

Boşlukları parantez içindeki fiillerin uygun şekliyle doldurunuz.

1. If you
(not study), you
(fail) the test.
2. You
(be) in trouble if the results are in my desk tomorrow.
3. If he
(not accept) our offer, we
(find) someone else.
4. If she
(keep) behaving like this, she
(be) fired.
5. I
(not get on) the plane if you
(not come) with me.
6. The doctor says I
(be) very healthy soon if I
(go on) taking my pills.
7. You
(be) very tired tomorrow if
(not go) to bed soon.
8. We
(eat) out if there
(be) no food at home.
9. If you
(cancel) the appointment, when
(meet) again?
10. If you
(enjoy) signing, you shouldn't
(give) it a break.

4 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 4,75


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