-less soneki (sıfatlar) - anlamsız - suffix -less (adjectives) - meaningless

10/25/2010 00:00:00

-less eki "-sız, -siz" anlamı veren kelimeler türetir, "anlamsız, zararsız" gibi sıfatlar yapar.

Fill in the blanks with the adjectives given. (Aşağıdaki boşluklara anlamları verilen sıfatlardan uygun olanıyla doldurun.)




1. The students were very
, they broke the windows.
2. These mashrooms are
; you can eat them.
3. Our teacher's critisisms were
but no one can say that they were wrong.
4. He is such a
fighter of democracy. He's never afraid of anyone.
5. After running for two hours, he felt very
6. I was alone in a foreign city I felt very
7. After the doctors anesthetize the patient, the operation becomes
8. We broke up with him because he was
9. I don't think he isn't
; he was just so tired yesterday that's why he didn't help.
10. The police are
that he killed the cat; they have proofs.
11. The plane crash caused
people's death. Almost all of the passengers died.
12. Water is
and odourless.
13. Some websites are full of
14. Soldiers attacked even the
15. He thinks life is
; he's very depressive.

1 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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