Gizli Görüşmeyi Obama Talep Etti - Obama Demanded the Secret Meeting

07/05/2010 00:00:00

Obama demanded the secret meeting


Turkey and Israel were told by Obama to hold the secret meeting, according to Israelisources. Lieberman wasinfuriatedafter learning about the meeting. Netanyahu said he could not tell Lieberman because of "technical reasons".

Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Israeli Industry Trade and Labour Minister Ben-Eliezer recently held a secret meeting in a hotel room in Brussels. Israeli media announced some interesting details about the meeting.

The Haaretz newspaper reported that U.S. President Barack Obama was behind the secret meeting between Ben-Eliezer and Davutoğlu. Ben-Eliezer had notinformedthe Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry about the meeting.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeperson said that the Minister was considering the matter very seriously. And thisunusualbehaviour was contrary to the establishedprinciplesand it has affected the trust between Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Lieberman alsorefusedarequestby Netanyahu todiscussthe matter. However, there is no indication that Lieberman's party would withdraw from the coalition.

Lieberman said that thesituationbecame "totallyincomprehensible" as more and more information about this matter came to light,particularlythe involvement of Defence Minister Ehud Barak.

1 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 4,00


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