Doğa krizini çözmek için '10 yıl' - 'Ten years' to solve nature crisis

10/18/2010 12:53:26

The UN biodiversityconventionmeeting has opened with warnings that theongoingloss of nature is hurting human societies as well as the natural world.

Doğa krizini çözmek için

The two-weekgatheringaims to set newtargetsforconservinglife on Earth.

Japan's Environment Minister Ryo Matsumoto said biodiversity loss would becomeirreversibleunlesscurbedsoon.

Much hope is beingpinnedon economic analyses showing the loss of species and ecosystems is costing the global economy trillions of dollars each year.

Ahmed Djoghlaf,executivesecretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), described the meeting in Nagoya, Japan, as a "defining moment" in the history of mankind.

"[Buddhistscholar] Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki said 'the problem of nature is the problem of human life'. Today, unfortunately, human life is a problem for nature," he tolddelegatesin his opening speech.

Referringto the target set at the UN World Summit in 2002, he said:

"Let's have the courage to look in the eyes of our children and admit that we have failed,individuallyandcollectively, tofulfilthe Johannesburg promise made by 110 heads of state tosubstantiallyreduce the rate of loss of biodiversity by 2010.

"Let us look in the eyes of our children and admit that we continue to lose biodiversity at anunprecedentedrate, thusmortgagingtheir future."

Earlier this year, the UN published a major assessment - theGlobal Biodiversity Outlook- indicating thatvirtuallyalltrendsspanningthe state of the natural world wereheadingdownwards,despiteconservation successes in some regions.

It showed that loss anddegradationof forests,coral reefs, rivers and other elements of the natural world was having animpacton living standards in some parts of the world - an obvious example being theextentto which loss of coral affects fish stocks.

In his opening speech, Mr Matsumoto suggested impacts could be much broader in future.

"All life on Earth exists thanks to thebenefitsfrom biodiversity in the forms offertilesoil, clear water and clean air," he said.

"We are now close to a 'tipping point' - that is, we are about to reach athresholdbeyond which biodiversity loss will become irreversible, and may cross that threshold in the next 10 years if we do not makeproactiveefforts for conserving biodiversity."

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