7 ünlü kadın, Türkiye'de kadın hakları için sahneye çıkıyor - Seven famous women take stage for women’s rights in Turkey

09/23/2010 00:00:00
7 ünlü kadın, Türkiye'de

Seven human rights-sensitivewomen will take to the theater stage to raiseawarenessof the issues via the stories of seven women whostruggledfor human rights in society.

In the play, titled "Yedi' (Seven), journalist-writer Ece Temelkuran will play Nigerian democracy defender Hafsat Abiola, while the lawyer ofassassinatedArmenian journalist Hırant Dink, Fethiye Çetin, will play North Irish activist Inez McCormack. Other women in the play are Turkish artists Lale Mansur, Füsün Demirel, Zeynep Eronat, Belçim Bilgin Erdoğan and Şevval Sam.

The play will make its Turkishpremieretoday at 8 p.m. at the Muammer Karaca Theater. Entrance to the play is free.

Swedishnational theater Riksteatern's producer Figen Solmaz said the play, which is supported by the Swedish Institute and the Swedish Consulate General, would be stagedwithintheframeworkof a conference on humantraffickingand women's rights that will be held in Istanbul.

"This play has been staged all around the world for a few years and we wanted Turkish people to see it, too. This is why we have chosen seven women who are sensitive to democracy and human rights,' Solmaz said.

She said the seven women, famous among Turkish people, agreed with the project and gave great support to it. "Turkey isperceivedby Western countries as an underdeveloped countryin terms ofwomen's rights. The best side of this play is that it shows that women's rights is not only a problem for underdeveloped countries, but also is a common problem for all women in the world.'

Activists in the play

Fethiye Çetin plays Inez McCormack, who is an activist for women's and human rights,labor, and socialjusticeand a former president of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. McCormack played a critical role in the 1998 Good Friday Peace Accords and continues toadvocatefor equal rights andfairlabor practices for women and minorities.

Belçim Bilgin Erdoğan plays Muktharan Mai, who wasgangrapedby four men and forced to walk home almost naked. Instead of taking the traditional Pakistani women'srouteofcommitting suicide, Mai brought her rapists to justice, built schools to improve the condition of women, and became an advocate for education in her country.

Şevval Sam plays Farida Azizi, who became an activist fighting againstmarginalizationof women under Taliban rule in her native country. Because ofthreatson her life, she gainedasylumand now lives in the United States with her two children and works on women's rights and peace building in Afghanistan.

Füsun Demirel plays Mu Sochua, who was co-nominated in 2005 for the Nobel Peace Prize for her work against sex trafficking of women in Cambodia and neighboring Thailand.

Ece Temelkuran plays Hafsat Abiola, anadvocatefor human rights and democracy following themurderof her activist parents. Shefoundedthe Kudirat Initiative for Democracy, whichprovidesskills training and leadership opportunities for young women across Nigeria.

Zeynep Eronat plays Marina Pisklakova-Parker, who founded one of the first hotlines forvictimsofdomesticviolence in Russia, which has since grown into the Center ANNA, part of acoalitionthat has provided crisis andcounselservices for 100,000 Russian women.

Lale Mansur plays Annabella De Leon, who has been a congresswoman since 1995 and hasreceiveddeath threats because of her fight againstcorruptionand for the rights of the poor, particularly women andindigenouspeoples.


1 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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