Uğultulu Tepeler - “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë

02/01/2010 21:49:50

"Wuthering Heights' by Emily Brontë

Longman Fiction - Simplified Edition

The story tells us the lives of two family, Lintons and Earnshaws. The story begins with a man renting a home in Wuthering heights. The man's name is Mr. Lackwood.Mr. Lackwood experiences strange things in Wuthering Heights and gets curious. A maid, Nelly starts telling the story to Mr. Lackwood.

Nelly is the maid of Earnshaw family. Mr. Earnshaw has two children, Catherine and Hindley. One day Mr. Earnshaw comes with a dirty boy and calls him Heatcliff. At first, the children get on well, but when Mr. Earnshaw dies, Hindley starts behaving badly to Heatcliff. However, Catherine and Heatcliff love eachother very much. Unfortunately, their love is impossible because Hindley doesn't give permission to them. Although they love eachother, Catherine marries Mr. Linton. Heatcliff feels himself bad when he sees Catherine and Edgar Linton are together.

Edgar's sister, Isabella loves Heatcliff, but Heatcliff doesn't love her because he is still in love with Catherine. In spite of this fact, they soon get married. Catherine hates Heatcliff because of his marriage. After a while, Catherine and Isabella learn that they are pregnant. After Catherine gives birth to his daughter, she dies. Isabella has a boy. In addition to them. The wife of Hindley also has a son. Catherine's daughter's name is Cathy, Isabella's son's name is Linton and Hindley's son is Hearton.

Catherine meets Heathcliff on the moors, and makes a visit to Wuthering Heights to meet Linton. She and Linton begin a secret romance conducted entirely through letters. When Nelly destroys Catherine's collection of letters, the girl begins sneaking out at night to spend time with her frail young lover, who asks her to come back and nurse him back to health. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Linton is pursuing Catherine only because Heathcliff is forcing him to; Heathcliff hopes that if Catherine marries Linton, his legal claim upon Thrushcross Grange—and his revenge upon Edgar Linton—will be complete. One day, as Edgar Linton grows ill and nears death, Heathcliff lures Nelly and Catherine back to Wuthering Heights, and holds them prisoner until Catherine marries Linton. Soon after the marriage, Edgar dies, and his death is quickly followed by the death of the sickly Linton. Heathcliff now controls both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. He forces Catherine to live at Wuthering Heights and act as a common servant, while he rents Thrushcross Grange to Lockwood.

Nelly's story ends as she reaches the present. Lockwood, appalled, ends his tenancy at Thrushcross Grange and returns to London. However, six months later, he pays a visit to Nelly, and learns of further developments in the story. Although Catherine originally mocked Hareton's ignorance and illiteracy (in an act of retribution, Heathcliff ended Hareton's education after Hindley died), Catherine grows to love Hareton as they live together at Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff becomes more and more obsessed with the memory of the elder Catherine, to the extent that he begins speaking to her ghost. Everything he sees reminds him of her. Shortly after a night spent walking on the moors, Heathcliff dies. Hareton and young Catherine inherit Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, and they plan to be married on the next New Year's Day.

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