tavsiye etmek - advice, suggest, propose, recommened, advocate

01/26/2010 15:03:23

advice, guide,suggest, propose, recommend, advocate

advice: öğüt vermek, tavsiye etmek

She advised me not to go that restaurant.

guide: yönlendirmek, yol göstermek

You should guide your children in their decisions.

suggest: önermek, teklif etmek

They suggested us to stay there.

propose: teklif etmek

I'm going to propose to change the name of the firm.

recommend: tavsiye etmek, beğendirmek

We recommend you to try our delicious special meal.

advocate: savunmak, desteklemek

All people in the world should advocate peace.

2 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 4,00


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