Aya Sofya'nın Meleği Gün Yüzüne Çıkarıldı - hagia sophias angel uncovered

02/01/2010 16:40:46

Hagia Sophia's angel uncovered - Aya Sofya meleğinin üstü açıldı

Experts haveuncoveredone of the six angel mosaics within the world-famous Hagia Sophia Museum in Istanbul after it had beehiddennfor 160 years behind plaster and a metal mask.

The mosaic, which measures 1.5 meters by 1 meter, was last seen by Swiss architect Gaspare Fossati, whoheadedrestoration efforts at the museum between 1847 and 1849, and Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecid.

Experts were surprised to see that the mosaic, believed todate fromthe 14th century, was so wellpreserved.

Hagia Sophia, built by the Byzantine emperor Justinian between A.D. 532 and 537, was originally abasilicabefore it wasconvertedinto a mosque when Ottoman Turksconqueredthe city in 1453.

During the conversion process, the Ottomans covered the mosaics with plaster instead ofremovingthem. The buildingservedas a mosque until 1934, when it wasturned intoa museum.

The uncovered mosaic is located in thependentive, anarchedtriangularsection supporting the building's hugedome.

After 10 days of work on the area, experts removed severallayerof plaster and the metal mask to uncover the angel.

The mosaic's true age will beassessedafter an analysis by the Hagia Sofia Science Board compares it to similar mosaics.

The six-winged figure is thought todepictthe seraphim, an angel described in the biblical book of Isaiah.

 " http://www.turkishny.com/en/english-news/12173-hagia-sophias-angel-uncovered.html

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