anlaşma - deal, agreement, convention, settlement, arrangement, bargain, accord, understanding, pact, alliance, compact, concord, covenant

01/26/2010 14:04:23

Eş Anlamlı Sözcükler

anlaşma: Deal, agreement, convention, settlement, arrangement, bargain, accord, understanding, pact, alliance , compact , concord , covenant .

deal: an agreement or arrangement, especially in business or politics, that helps both sides involved make / do a deal.

srike/cut a deal= make a deal

close/clinch a deal= successfully complete a deal

get a good deal(on something)= buy something at a good price

The rules of the deal looked simple enough. (Anlaşmanın kuralları yeterince basit görünüyordu.)
She got a good deal on her new house. (Yeni evini iyi fiyata aldı.)

agreement: an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people, companies, organizations etc.

Does your employer have an agreement with a union? (İşvereninizin bir birlikle anlaşması var mı?)
They have an agreement on the natural resources. (Doğal kaynaklar üzerine bir anlaşmalrı var.)
They reached an agreement with the bank finally. (Sonunda bankayla uzlaşmaya vardılar.)

convention: a formal agreement, especially between countries, about particular rules or behaviour [= pact, treaty]

The European convention on human rights. (Avrupa insan hakları sözleşmesi.)

settlement: an official agreement or decision that ends an argument, a court case, or a fight, or the action of making an agreement peace

settlement= one to end a war divorce

settlement= an agreement about how money and property is divided at the end of a marriage.

arrangement: something that has been organized or agreed on [= agreement]

It would usually cost $500, but I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement. (Normalde 500 dolara mal olur ama bence anlaşmaya varabiliriz.)

bargain: to discuss the conditions of a sale, agreement etc, for example to try and get a lower price

Workers were bargaining for better pay. (İşçiler daha iyi bir ücret için pazarlık yapıyorlardı.)
The woman bargaining with traders was a little weird. (Satıcılarla pazarlık yapan kadın biraz garipti.)

accord: formal to give someone or something special attention or a particular type of treatment

You will not be accorded any special treatment. (Size özel bir uygulama yapılmayacak.)

understanding: an informal agreement between people

It took several hours of discussion before they could come to/reach an understanding. (Onların anlaşmaya varmaları bir kaç saat aldı.)

pact: a formal agreement between two people or groups of people

The United States and Canada have signed a free-trade pact. (Kanada ve Birleşmiş Millerler serbest ticaret paktı imzaladı.)

alliance: an arrangement in which two or more countries, groups etc agree to work together to try to change or achieve something make/enter into/form/forge an alliance.

The companies have formed an alliance to market the product. (Şirketler ürünü pazarlak için bir anlaşma yaptılar.)

compact: formal a formal agreement between two or more people, organizations or countries

They made a compact not to reveal any details. (Hiç bir detayı ifşa etmemeye anlaşma yaptılar.)

concord: the state of having a friendly relationship, so that you agree on things and live in peace [discord]

Nations living in concord. (Barış içinde yaşayan milletler.)

covenant: a legal agreement in which someone promises to pay a person or organization an amount of money regularly.

A covenant to pay rent. (Kira ödeme sözleşmesi.)

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